Friday 15 June 2018

Let There be Neon by Rudi Stern | If you are into nostalgia and art, this is for you [12:30 (2001)

Rudi Stern absolutely personified the spirit of New York. In his NJ studio across from the World Trade Centre, he created masterful works. His was a world of artful illumination. set to beautiful music. Long before digital LEDs enveloped us , Rudi worked with analog means to put on an amazing show— rotating 6-feet wide dioramas projecting otherworldly images and illustrations on their surface. Rudi poured so much love and soul into these works. It was magical to experience and transmitted us into another realm. Rudi was a friend and we got to shoot one of his shows in 2001 in the East village of New York city. Just 2 nights before Sept 11, 2001, he had a huge party at his studio in Jersey—so full of light, beaming, smiling with his kind, gentle eyes saying: let’s go play with light and color!
 So glad we found this video 18 YEARS LATER! Thank you RUDI!

Copyrigh Disclaimer : This video is a property of Vertiver and this is just for entertainment. I have nothing to do with the footage. I just edited this coz i liked the music.

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